The ALM solution supports this need by providing the Release Label record. ALM解决方案通过提供ReleaseLabel记录支持这种需求。
The key attribute is functioning as a label on the address_rec container to provide a unique identifier for the record. key属性的作用是充当addressrec容器上的一个标签,为记录提供一个惟一的标识符。
A printed label representative of those used should be included in the batch production record. 那些使用标签的的打印标签样张应包含在批生产记录中。
A manufacturer simply affixing a sticker label bearing the distributor's name and address would not require record keeping demonstrating compliance with labeling controls requirements. 如果制造商仅是简单地把带有销售商名称和地址的粘贴标签贴上,他不需要保留记录来证明其遵守标签控制要求。
When the goods arrive, the label is read by the reader in the retailer store, the inventory record can be quickly updated, and thus the accurate replenishment information can be provided. 货物送到后,零售店的识读器读取标签,可以快速更新库存记录,提供精准的补货信息。
DAS was tasked with obtaining a major label record deal for her in a year's time in exchange for20 percent of her music income, with her having the option of ending the relationship if they failed. 格的任务是获得唱片合约标签为她一个主要的一年时间换取收入的百分之二十的音乐她失败了,与她有他们的选择,如果终止这种关系。